Personal Safety

Suzy Lamplugh Trust

The Suzy Lamplugh Trust has been a pioneer of personal safety following the disappearance of Suzy. Since its founding the Trust has been used by the Government and the police as a key advisor on safety policy and is instrumental in developing policy and laws.

Metropolitan Police

Personal safety advice from Britain’s largest police force

For Workers

Personal Safety and Lone Working

Practical tips and tricks to help you stay safe when working remotely.


Unison is the UK’s largest trade union body and has more than 1.3 million members. They include frontline staff and managers working full or part time in local authorities, the NHS, the police service, colleges and schools, the electricity, gas and water industries, transport and the voluntary sector. Last year UNISON recruited 137,000 new members


USDAW members work in a variety of occupations and industries including: shop workers, factory and warehouse workers, drivers, call centres, clerical workers, insurance agents, milk-round and dairy process, butchers and meat packers, catering, laundries, chemical processing, home shopping and pharmaceutical.


GMB is a general union – which means that anyone can join us. GMB has almost 600,000 members working in every part of the economy. One in every 32 people at work in the UK is a member of GMB and GMB is organised in 34 of the UK’s biggest 50 companies.

Health and Safety Executive

The Health and Safety Executive is responsible for health and safety regulation in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive and local government are the enforcing authorities who work in support of the Commission.

Business Link

Business Link is a free business advice and support service, available online and through local advisers.


For Managers

Risk Assessments

How to carry out risk assessments for Lone Workers

Health and Safety Executive

The Health and Safety Executive is responsible for health and safety regulation in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive and local government are the enforcing authorities who work in support of the Commission.

Business Link

Business Link is a free business advice and support service, available online and through local advisers.