Domiciliary care staff play a vital role in today’s aging society but the nature of their work makes them vulnerable.

Carers & health workers spend long periods of time on the road travelling to home visits and are required to enter client accommodation alone to provide domestic assistance & health checks.

Health & care related professions brings with them one of the highest rates of workplace violence, often from patient’s relatives and other members of the public, as well as clients themselves.

Lookout Call is a cost-effective way for local authorities and independent homecare providers to ensure mobile staff are safe while fulfilling their role as carers.

Provided on a licence-per-user basis there are no hidden charges and staff can use existing mobile phones, removing the need for expensive devices which can become lost or damaged.

Our flexible system gives carers a sense of security throughout appointments and incorporates features such as an intelligent alarm system and countdown timers.

Easy to use and requiring minimal training, mobile workers can choose how to access Lookout Call from our 3 interface options.

Questions? Contact our team for more information

Lookout Call for the Care Sector


  • Developed in conjunction with NHS staff
  • Provides unobtrusive safety net to carers providing personal care and supported living services
  • No need to purchase expensive devices; Lookout Call is compatible with any mobile device
  • Simple to use and does not require technical expertise
  • Demonstrates duty of care towards remote staff


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