You conduct a risk assessment and conclude that your most vulnerable lone workers need to be monitored more effectively by using an automated system which always remembers to call and check they are safe. You then embark upon a long selection process to decide which system to deploy. You may even be tempted to buy […]
Is Police Rationing Putting Lone Workers...
Some police forces are putting the public at an unacceptable risk by rationing their response as they struggle with cutbacks, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary warns. The inspectors say there are now too few police officers and in some areas an erosion of neighbourhood policing. HMIC said: Three forces – Hertfordshire, Humberside and Nottinghamshire – […]
Are you lone worker safety savvy?
Take our test and find out if you are lone worker safety savvy. Related item: Lone working – The Facts Related item: Lone working=home working
Lone Working: The Perils and Protection
What is meant by ‘lone worker’? The term ‘lone worker’ is used to describe anyone, in any profession who works completely on their own. Some examples of lone workers are GPs, health visitors, home care assistants, sales people and office personnel who work from home. People often carry out lone working tasks, such as when […]
Lone Working: The Facts
Over 20% of the UK work force can be considered a lone worker.Only 300,000 of them are using any form of automated lone worker protection.lookout call is a mobile based safety system that offers enhanced safety protection to your lone working staff.